Keeping Looking Upwards

Keeping Looking Upwards This week Revd Tim reflects upon Matthew 2:1-12 for Epiphany To hear this podcast follow this link: To hear more past sermons and to subscribe to The Four Towers podcast visit:...

Promises, Promises!

Promises Promises! This week Revd Tim reflects upon Micah 5:2-5a and Luke 1:39-55 for the 4th Sunday of Advent To hear this podcast follow this link: To hear more past sermons and to subscribe to The Four Towers...

Are You Good at Waiting?

Are you Good at Waiting? This week Revd Tim reflects upon Luke 21:25-36 the 1st Sunday of Advent To hear this podcast follow this link: To hear more past sermons and to subscribe to The Four Towers podcast visit:...

Who’s the Boss?

Who’s the Boss? This week Revd Tim reflects upon John 18:28–40 and Revelation 1:4b-8 for Christ the King Sunday To hear this podcast follow this link: To hear more past sermons and to subscribe to The Four...

Choosing where to place your feet

Choosing where to place your feet This week Revd Tim reflects upon Mark 13:18 To hear this podcast follow this link: To hear more past sermons and to subscribe to The Four Towers podcast visit:...

The Call to Live Extraordinary lives

The Call to Live Extraordinary Lives This week Revd Tim reflects upon Mark 1:14-20 and Hebrews 9:24-28 for Remembrance Sunday To hear this podcast follow this link: To hear more past sermons and to subscribe to The...